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Monday, August 30, 2010

Adventures in Lace

I wrote a lace design a  few weeks ago that I have (slowly) been knitting up, and I'm super excited about it!  The chart is a bit annoying to read, but the rest row helps a lot with that.  I'm also almost finished with the last yarn I need for my blackbear/qiviut/etc. scarf that I've been hibernating for a few months.  Now I just have to remember where I put it (moving kills me sometimes), and the knitting itself will be pretty quick. 

Once I'm done with the scarf I'm knitting from my pattern, I think it'll be time to go back to Diagonale, which I am knitting from super-thin lace silk handspun.  I plan to decrease the pattern repeats to three across, instead of four, and see how it goes from there.  The twist should have settled in the silk by now, which will help a lot.  Now I need to find a set of super-points (I forget what they're actually called) so that the blunt metal needles actually pick up the silk stitches with ease.

I actually really like working from my own lace pattern.  When you design it, you know when things have gone wrong and it's easier to tell how to fix it without just tinking backward.  Perhaps there are more designs to come!

I have some photos to add here at some point; I need to resize and upload before I can post them though.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Well!  Life's been quite the adventure lately.  I finished my move, which was promptly followed by a heavy study load.  I've been curled up at home for the last 4 days with a *terrible* ear infection (hopefully the latest drugs will clear it up for me).  My super-sneaky boyfriend came and stayed with me for the weekend, which was very nice of him.  I'm glad I didn't have to be sick AND alone this whole weekend.  I have no idea how I'm going to pay for all these doctor visits, but I have to get better before that even becomes a problem.  In the meantime, since I'm missing school and work, I'll be putting together a few more items for my Etsy store. 

-3+ Grab-and-Spin Fiber Porn Kits

-2-4 Art Yarns

-Finish a repeat of "Criss-Cross Applesauce"

-Paint a few watercolor flowers (if I can find my art supplies!)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Post-Move Stress Relief

Whew! I'm finally 90% unpacked and getting settled in.  Yesterday I cooked pretty much non-stop all day, and today I dyed a whole pound of wool (pictures tomorrow; the wools are wet still, of course).  I listed two yarns this evening.  I'm waiting for my next order from Carol over at the Sheep Shed to arrive.  I should be good to go on locks for a month or two after I need to stock up on extra goodies - glitz, ribbon, accessories, and whatever else I want to put into my Fiber Porn spinning kits.  I'm working on getting my stash organized (still) but I have a few stacked trays that I'm going to put the little stuff in for now.  I seriously need a place for all this big stuff, though!!  I have over 30 lbs of raw llama that needs some sort of storage space already!

In other news, I'm still saving up for my drum carder.  I just opened a new bank account that has a cash reward after completion of a few minor requirements, and that will put me in reach of the carder I want!  I'm saving up for the Strauch Mad Batter.  I've heard a lot of places that saving up for a Strauch is way worth it, so I'm doing it.  I can't wait!

All dyed and waiting to dry.

 Robot Unicorn Attack

Superwash from The Sheep Shed Studio

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Order + Photos

Got my order from SSS yesterday!  It was actually probably here on Saturday, but I wasn't around to check the mail.  Although I really want to get dyeing, I probably won't be able to get any done until next week, since the move is happening this weekend.  But I'm working on reorganizing my entire stash and getting things in logical places, as soon as I think of a good (cheap!) way to do it.